
SIRE2.0船员迎检实践指南—CH3 证船员管理


SIRE2.0 海员迎检实践指南

CH2 证书和文件

CH3 船员管理

3.1.1. Were the Officers and Ratings suitably qualified to serve onboard the vessel and did the Officer matrix posted on the OCIMF website accurately reflect the qualifications, experience and English language capabilities of the Officers onboard at the time of the inspection?



The Senior Officer accompanying the Inspector must be familiar with the maintenance of Officer and Rating certification records onboard. The Inspector will select one deck Rating assigned duties and responsibilities related to cargo or cargo equipment and verify he holds a certificate of basic training for oil, chemical or liquified gas tanker operations as applicable to the vessel type.


During the inspection and while interviewing the Master, Chief Engineer and other Officers, the Inspector will pay attention to the standard of English comprehension and spoken English. Where there are concerns with communication in the English language with any Officer, the Inspector will note the degree of English recorded against the individual's rank in the published Officer matrix.

在检查过程中,在与船长、轮机长和其他高级船员面谈时,检查官应注意其英语理解和口语水平。如果涉及与任何人员用英语沟通的问题,检查官将在公布的船员履历(Crew Matrix)中注意相应的英语熟悉程度等级记录。


The vessel operator should have uploaded the updated crew matrix to the OCIMF website not more than four days before the inspection. The Inspector, prior to the inspection, will review the uploaded matrix and verify that:

船舶经营人应在检查前不超过四天内,将更新后的船员名单上传至OCIMF网站。检查官在检查之前,将审查上传的 crew matrix,并核实:

• The information included in the matrix is accurate by randomly selecting one Senior Officer and Junior Officer from each of the deck and engine departments (to include electricians, cargo engineers and other specialist Engineer Officers, where carried) and cross checking their certificates of competency, endorsements and sea service records (for time in rank only).


• All Senior Officers, junior deck Officers and cargo/gas Engineers hold a certificate in advanced training for oil, chemical or liquified gas tanker operations as applicable to the vessel type.


• All junior Engineer Officers hold a certificate in basic training for oil, chemical or liquified gas tanker operations as applicable to the vessel type.


The vessel operator must have developed procedures to ensure that:


• Each crew member is in possession of all statutory and company mandatory certification and course completion certificates required for their role onboard.


• Certification for each individual is presented in a standard order with an index indicating which certificates were mandatory for the role onboard.


• A consolidated record of sea service is available for each officer.


Make sure that the sea time in rank for all Officers is accurate and records to verify sea time in rank are available. (Verification checks will only cover up to 36 months' sea service onboard.) The Flag endorsement for any individual Officer must reflect the details of the national CoC on which they are based.


OCIMF interprets a "person with immediate responsibility" to include all watchkeeping Officers in charge of cargo-related operations whether the vessel is at sea or in port. This includes the 2nd Officer, 3rd Officer, 4th Officer and Gas/Cargo Engineer. It may also include the pumpman and other Ratings if engaged in direct supervision of cargo operations. These crew members should have advanced training for oil, chemical or liquified gas tanker cargo operations applicable to the type of vessel served on.


Where Ratings, including the pumpman. are assigned duties with direct supervision of cargo operations, the Inspector will verify that they hold a certificate in advanced training for oil, chemical or liquified gas tanker operations as applicable to the vessel type.




KPI 3.2.3 requires that the company verifies that vessel personnel quality requirements are consistently met.


3.1.2 Were procedures and instructions contained within the Safety Management System and signs posted around the vessel available in the designated working language of the vessel or a language(s) understood by the crew, and were the Master, Officers and Ratings able to communicate verbally in that language?


Human 人的因素


The vessel operator must have designated the working language of the vessel and documented it within the SMS.


The designated working language must be declared through the HVPQ and recorded in the ship's logbook. The vessel operator must have declared the designated common working language and the language(s) of the SMS in the pre-inspection questionnaire. This will be inserted in the inspection editor and reproduced in the final report.


It is recognised that Officers and Ratings may speak a language that is convenient to them when engaged in non-safety-related activities. However, it is expected that:


• The Officers will communicate with the Inspector in English.


• While in the presence of the Inspector, the Officers should communicate with each other in English while discussing matters relating to the inspection. An exception can be made when the level of English had been declared as poor through the OC/MF crew matrix for one or more of the Officers concerned, in which case, they should use the designated working language.    

检查官在场时,高级船员在讨论与检查有关的事项时,应用英语相互交流。如果一名或多名有关高级船员的英语水平通过OCIMF crew matrix申报为“poor”,则可以例外,在这种情况下,他们应该使用指定的工作语言。

• The Officers and Ratings should communicate with each other in the designated working language and/or English while working with the Inspector.


• Where the Inspector can conduct the inspection in the designated working language of the vessel, this is acceptable, providing sufficient English communication between Officers is observed to verify the level of English declared in the OCIMF crew matrix for vessels that must use it for communication when navigating or interacting with a terminal.

如果检查官可以使用船舶指定的工作语言进行检查,可以接受,只要观察高级船员之间有足够的英语交流,以验证在OCIMF crew matrix中申报的英语水平,以便船舶在航行或与码头互动时必须使用英语进行交流。

During the inspection, the Inspector will observe communication between the officers and between Officers and Ratings and he will verify that:


• Crew members are able to verbally communicate effectively in the designated working language of the vessel .


• The accompanying Officer must be able to translate a question, and the subsequent reply, directed at a Rating, into English consistent with the standard of English declared within the OCIMF crew matrix.

陪同人员必须能够将问题和随后针对普通船员的回答翻译成符合OCIMF crew matrix中申报的英语标准的英语。

• If for any reason, the accompanying Officer cannot understand the Inspector's question, he should ask him politely to rephrase the question.


Furthermore, the Inspector will observe safety signs and instructions posted around the vessel and verify that:


• The signs or safety instructions are posted in the designated working language.


• Where ratings are not able to read the designated working language, the safety signs or instructions are additionally posted in a language that they can read and understand.


• It is recommended that the safety signs and instructions are accompanied by photos (as far as practicable and applicable) rather than text.


The Inspector will also observe the content of the SMS and where it had been developed in a language other than the designated working language, he will verify that:


• Sections of the SMS containing safety instructions that are required to be understood by the whole crew had been translated into the designated working language and, any other languages necessary, to ensure that all Officers and Ratings are able to read and understand the content.


• Checklists and safe working procedures are translated into the designated working language.




KPI 1 A.1.3 requires that procedures and instructions are written in plain language and contain sufficient detail to ensure that tasks can be completed correctly and consistently.


3.1.3 Did the complement of Officers and Ratings onboard at the time of inspection meet or exceed the requirements of the Minimum Safe Manning Document and the declared company standard manning for routine operations, and had Senior Officers been relieved to ensure continuity of operational knowledge?

检查时,高级船员和普通船员的配备是否满足或超过最低安全配员证书和针对常规操作声明的公司标准配员,并且高级船员休假是否确保了操作连贯性 ?


Process 程序

The vessel operator must have developed policies and procedures for the safe manning of the vessel which set out:


• The approved manning levels for routine operations.


• The approved manning levels for defined specialist operations and high workload situations.


• The minimum interval between the relief of the Senior Officers from the same department.


The vessel operator must provide manning details through the pre-inspection questionnaire as follows:


• Manning required by the Minimum Safe Manning Document.


• Company standard manning level for the vessel during routine operations.


• Company enhanced manning provision, over and above the company standard manning level, for continuous/extended/repeated STS operations, if any.


• Company enhanced manning provision, over and above the company standard manning level, for continuous/extended/repeated inter-harbour operations and/or short voyages of less than 24 hours, if



• Company enhanced manning provision, over and above the company standard manning level, for operations requiring implementation of additional security measures, if any.


• Company enhanced manning provision, over and above the company standard manning level, for other specialist operations, if any.


• The minimum interval required between the relief of the Senior Officers from the same department.

The information provided will be inserted in the inspection editor and the final inspection report.


The Inspector will review the information provided by the vessel operator through the pre-inspection

questionnaire and compare against:


• The minimum safe manning document.


• A copy of the arrival crew list provided by the Master.


• The current OCIMF crew matrix available on the OCIMF SIRE database.

当前OCIMF网站上可用的crew matrix

The Inspector will also verify that the actual number of Engineers onboard is sufficient to meet the

requirements of the Safe Manning Document if the machinery space is routinely operated in the manned mode at sea.


Both Senior Officers from a single department shall be relieved with overlap or parallel sailing period for at least one of the Officers to cover the minimum relief interval declared through the PIQ.


If simultaneous relieving of Senior Officers of a single department could not be avoided, INTERTANkO

advises you to list the mitigation measures applied in the comments sector of the Officer matrix posted on the OCIMF website (ref. question 3.1.1).


Watch-keeping schedules shall be posted on the bridge, the cargo control room and the engine control room. Schedules that include six (6) hours on and six (6) hours off do not comply with either STCW or MLC 2006.

在驾驶台、货控室和集控室应张贴值班表。包括六(6)小时工作和六(6)小时休息的时间表不符合STCW或MLC 2006。

Bridge watches should, in hours of darkness, incorporate two men on duty, one Officer and one look-out.



KPI 3A.1.1 requires that procedures ensure that each vessel is appropriately manned in order to maintain safe operation onboard.


3.2.1. Was a report available onboard which confirmed that a static navigational assessment by a suitably qualified and experienced company representative had been completed as declared through the preinspection questionnaire?


Human 人为因素


This question will only be generated when:


• The vessel operator had indicated that an appropriate static navigational assessment (PIQ 3.2. 1) had been conducted on board the vessel being inspected within the previous twelve months and,

船舶经营人已表示进行适当的静态航行评估(PIQ 3.2.1)在过去12个月内已在被检查船舶上进行,并且;

• A dynamic navigational audit had not been completed by a member of the company staff within the previous twelve months.


The Inspector will review the static navigation assessment and verify that:


• The assessment was conducted on the date declared by the operator through the PIQ.


• The report was in a similar format and covered the review items suggested by the OCIMF publication A

Guide to Best Practice for Navigational Assessments and Audits.


• Brief details of the assessor's qualifications and experience must be included within the report. The assessor must hold a Senior Deck Officer licence and/or have sailed as a Senior Deck Officer.


• The report must contain information relating to the best practice guidance points from TMSA KPI 5.2.2.

Where the report identified areas for improvement there must be evidence that follow up had been

undertaken within a specified timeframe by the company and/or vessel as appropriate through a corrective

action plan with due dates for each area for improvement identified.    

报告必须包含与TMSA KPI 5.2.2中的最佳实践指南相关要点的信息。如果报告识别了需要改进的地方,则必须有证据表明公司和/或船舶在规定的时间范围内通过适当的纠正行动计划进行了跟踪,并确定了每个改进领域的截止日期。

Supporting evidence must be available, demonstrating that the areas for improvement identified during the dynamic navigational assessment had been closed out within the due dates indicated within the corrective action plan.


Hardware 硬件


KPI 5.2.2 requires that there is a procedure in place for appropriate shore-based personnel to conduct navigational verification assessments.


3.2.2 Was a report available onboard which confirmed that a dynamic navigational assessment by a suitably qualified and experienced company representative had been completed while on passage as declared through the pre-inspection questionnaire?



Process 程序

This question will only be generated when the vessel operator had indicated, through the pre-inspection

questionnaire (PIQ 3.2.2), that an appropriate dynamic navigational assessment by a suitably qualified and

experienced company representative had been conducted on board the vessel being inspected within the

previous two years.

只有当船舶经营人通过预检验问卷(PIQ 3.2.2)申报,在过去两年内,在接受检查的船舶上已由具有适当资质和经验的公司代表进行了适当的动态航行评估时,才会产生此问题。

The Inspector will review the report for the dynamic navigational assessment conducted by a suitably

qualified and experienced company representative and verify that:    


• The assessment was conducted during the period declared by the operator through the pre-inspection questionnaire.


• The assessment covered all sections of a voyage as declared by the operator through the pre-inspection questionnaire.


• Brief details of the assessor's qualifications and experience must be included within the report. The

assessor must hold a Senior Deck Officer licence and/or have sailed as a Senior Deck Officer.


• The report must be in a similar format and cover the review items suggested by the OCIMF guidance

paper A Guide to Best Practice for Navigational Assessments and Audits.


• The report must contain information relating to the majority of the best practice guidance points from TMSA KPI 5.3.3.

报告必须包含与TMSA KPI 5.3.3中的大多数最佳实践指导要点相关的信息

Where the report identified areas for improvement there must be evidence that follow up had been

undertaken within a specified timeframe by the company and/or vessel as appropriate through a corrective action plan with due dates for each area for improvement identified.


Supporting evidence must be available, demonstrating that the areas for improvement identified during the navigational assessment had been closed out within the due dates indicated within the corrective action plan.

The Inspector will verify the Bridge Logbook which covers the period of the reported dynamic navigation assessment (for geographical verification purposes only).


Hardware 硬件    


KPI 55.3.3 requires that comprehensive navigational audits are conducted while on passage by a suitably qualified and experienced company representative.



3.2.3 Was a report available onboard which confirmed that a dynamic navigational assessment by a suitably qualified specialist contractor had been completed while on passage as declared through the pre-inspection questionnaire?


Human 人为因素


This question will only be generated when the vessel operator had indicated, through the pre-inspection questionnaire (PIQ 3.2.3), that an appropriate dynamic navigational assessment by a suitably qualified specialist contractor had been conducted on board the vessel being inspected within the previous twelve months.

只有当船舶经营人通过预检问卷(PIQ 3.2.3)申明,在过去12个月内,已在接受检查的船舶上由合格的专业承包商进行了适当的动态航行评估时,才会产生此问题。

The Inspector will review the report for the dynamic navigational assessment conducted by a suitably

qualified and experienced specialist contractor and verify that:


• The assessment was conducted during the period declared by the operator through the pre-inspection questionnaire.


• The assessment covered all sections of a voyage as declared by the operator through the pre-inspection questionnaire.


• Brief details of the assessor's qualifications and experience must be included within the report.


The assessor must hold a Senior Deck Officer licence and/or have sailed as a Senior Deck Officer .


• The report must be in a similar format and cover the review items suggested by the OCIMF guidance

paper A Guide to Best Practice for Navigational Assessments and Audits.


• The report must contain information relating to the majority of the best practice guidance points from TMSA KPI 5.3.3.

报告必须包含与TMSA KPI 5.3.3中的大多数最佳实践指导要点相关的信息。

Where the report identified areas for improvement there must be evidence that follow up had been undertaken within a specified timeframe by the company and/or vessel as appropriate through a corrective action plan with due dates for each area for improvement identified.


Supporting evidence must be available, demonstrating that the areas for improvement identified during the navigational assessment had been closed out within the due dates indicated within the corrective action plan.

The Inspector will verify the Bridge Logbook which covers the period of the reported dynamic navigation assessment (for geographical verification purposes only).



Hardware 硬件


KPI 5.4.1 requires that comprehensive navigational audits are conducted while on passage by a suitably qualified and experienced person.


3.2.4 Was a report available onboard which confirmed that an unannounced remote navigational assessment, which included review of VDR & ECDIS data by an independent contractor or specialist company representative, had been completed as declared through the pre-inspection questionnaire?


Human 人为因素    

Process 程序

This question will only be generated when the vessel operator had indicated, through the pre-inspection

questionnaire (PIQ 3.2.4), that a remote navigational assessment had been undertaken for the vessel being

inspected within the previous twelve months.

只有当船舶经营人通过预检问卷(PIQ 3.2.4)表明在过去12个月内对被检查船舶进行了远程航行评估时,才会产生此问题。

The Inspector will review the remote navigational assessment report and verify that:


• The remote navigational assessment included the phases of a voyage as declared in the pre-inspection

questionnaire. The remote navigational assessment should not only cover a period solely at anchor or

open sea navigation where no navigational challenges are present.


• The remote navigational assessment was unannounced and included the download and review of VDR and ECDIS data.


• Brief details of the assessor's qualifications and experience must be included within the report. The

assessor must hold a Senior Deck Officer licence and/or have sailed as a Senior Deck Officer and must

have proven seafaring experience.


• The report must be substantially in alignment with the format, and contained information, as suggested by the OCIMF publication A Guide to Best Practice for Navigational Assessments and Audits.

报告必须与OCIMF 《航行评估和审核最佳实践指南》建议的格式基本一致,并包含信息。

Where the report identified areas for improvement there must be evidence that follow up had been

undertaken within a specified timeframe by the company and/or vessel as appropriate through a corrective action plan with due dates for each area for improvement identified.


Supporting evidence must be available, demonstrating that the areas for improvement identified during the navigational assessment had been closed out within the due dates indicated within the corrective action plan.


The Inspector will verify the Bridge Logbook which covers the period of the reported remote navigation assessment (for geographical verification purposes only).


Hardware 硬件


KPI 5.4.1 requires that comprehensive navigational audits are conducted while on passage by a suitably qualified and experienced person.



3.2.5 Was a report available onboard which confirmed that a comprehensive cargo audit by a suitably qualified and experienced company representative had been completed as declared through the pre-inspection questionnaire?


Human 人为因素

Process 程序

This question will only be generated when the vessel operator had indicated, through the pre-inspection

questionnaire (PIQ 3.2.5), that an appropriate comprehensive cargo audit by a suitably qualified and

experienced company representative had been conducted on board the vessel being inspected within the

previous twelve months.

只有当船舶经营人通过预检问卷(PIQ 3.2.5)申报,在过去12个月内,已在接受检查的船舶上由具有适当资格和经验的公司代表进行了适当的全面货物审核时,才会产生此问题。

The Inspector will sight the comprehensive cargo audit report and verify that:


• The comprehensive cargo audit was conducted during the period declared through the pre-inspection questionnaire.


• The comprehensive cargo audit covered the cargo, ballast and bunkering operations as declared

through the pre-inspection questionnaire.


• Brief details of the Assessor's qualification and pertinent seafaring experience must be included

within the report. The Assessor must hold, or have held, a Senior Deck Officer licence and/or sailed as a Senior Deck Officer onboard tankers.


• The report must contain information relating to the majority of the best practice points from TMSA KPI    

6.4.2. Where the report identified areas for improvement there must be evidence that follow up had been undertaken within a specified timeframe by the company and/or vessel as appropriate through a corrective action plan with due dates for each area for improvement identified.

报告必须包含与来自TMSA KPI6.4.2. 如果报告识别了需要改进的地方,则必须有证据表明公司和/或船舶在规定的时间范围内通过适当的纠正行动计划进行了跟踪,并确定了每个改进领域的截止日期的大多数最佳实践点相关的信息

Supporting evidence, which may include lessons learned documents across the fleet. must be available to demonstrate that the areas for improvement identified during the cargo audit had been closed out within the due dates indicated within the corrective action plan.


The Inspector will verify the Bridge Logbook and/or Cargo Logbook which covers the period of the reported comprehensive cargo audit (for geographical and operational verification purposes only).


Hardware 硬件


KPI 6.4.2. requires that comprehensive cargo audits are completed by a suitably qualified and experienced company representative at least annually. The audit includes observation of cargo, ballast, tank cleaning and bunker-handling operations.


3.2.6 Was a report available onboard which confirmed that a comprehensive engineering audit by a suitable qualified and experienced company representative had been completed as declared in the pre-inspection questionnaire?


Human 人为因素

Process 程序

This question will only be generated when the vessel operator had indicated, through the pre-inspection

questionnaire (PIQ 3.2.6), that an appropriate comprehensive engineering audit by a suitably qualified and

experienced company representative had been conducted on board the vessel being inspected within the

previous 12 months.

只有当船舶经营人通过预检验问卷(PIQ 3.2.6)表明,在过去12个月内,已在被检查船舶上由具有适当资格和经验的公司代表进行了适当的全面轮机审核时,才会产生此问题。    

The Inspector will sight the comprehensive cargo audit report and verify that:


• The comprehensive engineering audit was conducted during the period declared through the preinspection



• The comprehensive engineering audit must cover the machinery space operations during cargo, ballast

and bunkering operations as declared through the pre-inspection questionnaire.


• Brief details of the Assessor's qualification and pertinent seafaring experience must be included

within the report. The Assessor must hold or had held a Senior Engineering Officer licence and/or had

sailed as a Senior Engineering Officer onboard tankers.


• The report must contain information relating to the maJority of the best practice points from TMSA KPI

4.4.5.Where the report identified areas for improvement there must be evidence that follow up had been undertaken within a specified timeframe by the company and/or vessel as appropriate through a corrective action plan with due dates for each area for improvement identified.

报告必须包含与来自TMSA KPI 4.4.5.如果报告中识别了需要改进的地方,则必须有证据表明公司和/或船舶在规定的时间范围内通过适当的纠正行动计划进行了跟踪,并确定了每个改进领域的截止日期的大多数最佳实践点相关的信息。

Supporting evidence, which may include lessons learned documents across the fleet, must be available

to demonstrate that the areas for improvement identified during the cargo audit had been closed out

within the due dates indicated within the corrective action plan.


The Inspector will verify the Engine Logbook which covers the period of the reported comprehensive

cargo audit (for geographical and operational verification purposes only).


Hardware 硬件    


TMSA KPI 4.4.5 requires that comprehensive engineering audits are completed by a suitably qualified and

experienced company representative. The audit includes observation of engineering practices while on



3.2.7 Was a report available onboard which confirmed that a comprehensive mooring and anchoring audit by a suitably qualified and experienced company representative had been completed as declared through the pre-inspection questionnaire?


Human 人为因素

Process 程序

This question will only be generated when the vessel operator had indicated, through the pre-inspection

questionnaire (PIQ 3.2. 7), that an appropriate comprehensive mooring and anchoring audit by a suitably

qualified and experienced company representative had been conducted on board the vessel being inspected

within the previous twelve months.

只有当船舶经营人通过预检验问卷(PIQ 3.2.7)表明时,才会产生此问题。在过去12个月内,已在被检查船舶上由具有适当资格和经验的公司代表进行了适当的全面系泊和锚泊审核。

The checklist used during the internal audit should be available for the Inspector to assess the extent and depth of coverage of the audit.


The Inspector will sight the comprehensive mooring and anchoring audit report and verify that:


• The audit was conducted during the period declared through the pre-inspection questionnaire.


• The audit must cover the mooring and anchoring operations as declared through the pre-inspection



• Brief details of the assessor's qualification and pertinent seafaring experience must be included

within the report. The assessor must hold or had held a Senior Deck Officer licence and/or had sailed as a Senior Deck Officer onboard tankers.


• The report must contain information relating to the majority of the best practice points from TMSA KPI 6A.4.3.Where the report identified areas for improvement there must be evidence that follow up had been undertaken within a specified timeframe by the company and/or vessel as appropriate through a corrective action plan with due dates for each area for improvement identified.

报告必须包含与TMSA KPI 6A.4.3中如果报告识别了需要改进的地方,则必须有证据表明公司和/或船舶在规定的时间范围内通过适当的纠正行动计划进行了跟踪,并确定了每个改进项的截止日期等大多数最佳实践点相关的信息。。

Supporting evidence, which may include lessons learned documents across the fleet, must be available to demonstrate that the areas for improvement identified during the cargo audit had been closed out within the due dates indicated within the corrective action plan.


The Inspector will verify the Deck Logbook which covers the period of the reported comprehensive cargo audit (for geographical and operational verification purposes only).


Hardware 硬件


TMSA KPI 6A.4.3 requires that comprehensive audits are completed by a suitably qualified and experienced company representative. The audit uses observations of mooring operations.


3.2.8 Had the vessel operator implemented a Behavioural Competency Assessment Programme onboard and was there evidence available that assessments were being conducted for navigation, cargo, mooring and engineering operations by approved Assessors?


Human 人为因素

Process 程序

The question will only be generated when the operator had declared that a Behavioural Competency

Assessment and Verification programme was in operation onboard through the pre-inspection questionnaire (PIQ 3.2.8).

该问卷只会在经营人通过检查前问卷表(PIQ 3.2.8)声明已实施行为能力评估时产生,应核查在船上运作方案。

The Inspector will review the Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification programme and will

verify that


• The assessment programme covers as a minimum; navigation, cargo operations, mooring operations and engineering operations.


• The vessel operator has defined who is considered qualified to be an approved Assessor.


• The vessel operator has defined the training requirement for an approved Assessor.


• If vessel staff onboard at the time of the inspection are considered as approved Assessors, then they must have evidence of the required training for an approved Assessor.


• There must be evidence that the staff onboard at the time of the inspection were actively involved in the competency assessment programme with historical records of their competency assessments available for their company service since the inception of the programme.


The OCIMF/INTERTANKO Guide: Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators is available for free on the INTERTANKO website.


Hardware 硬件    


KPI 3.4.1 requires that procedures to assess crew members for job competency are in place.


3.3.1. Had the Master and all navigation Officers attended a shore-based Bridge Team Management training course within the previous five years?


Human 人为因素

Process 程序

This question will only be generated when the vessel operator has indicated that the Master and all Navigation Officers onboard at the time of inspection had attended a Bridge Team Management training course within the previous five years.


The course must have included practical navigational exercises in a bridge simulator, with the simulator time being at least equivalent to IMO Model Course 1.22.


The Inspector will review the Bridge Team Management training certificates for the Master and Navigation Officers and verify that:


• The training was completed within the previous five years by each Officer.


• The training was stated as being in accordance with IMO model course 1.22.


Hardware 硬件


KPI 5.4.4 requires that Navigation Officers undertake periodic refresher bridge resource management simulator training at a national or industry accredited shore establishment.


3.3.2. Had the Master received formal ship-handling training prior to promotion or when being assigned to a new type of ship having significantly different handling characteristics to ships in which they had recently served?


Human 人为因素

Process 程序

The Inspector will compare the sea service record of the Master through the tabulated record of sea service prepared by the vessel operator with their discharge book and verify the time served as Master corresponding to the value provided in the Officer Matrix uploaded to the OCIMF website.


Where the Master had served less than thirty-six months sea service in rank, the Inspector will request evidence that ship-handling training had been provided prior to promotion to Master. This may consist of either:


• A formal in-house training programme designed to meet the objectives of the STCW Code 8-V/a.

为符合STCW规则8-V/ a的目标而设计的正式内部培训计划。

• Attendance at a shore-based training course designed to meet the objectives of the STCW Code B-V/a.


Where the Master had transferred between vessel types having significantly different handling characteristics within the previous twelve months of sea service, the Inspector will request evidence that additional ship-handling training had been provided to the Master prior to taking command of the new type of vessel. This may consist of either:


• A formal in-house training programme designed to meet the objectives of the STCW Code 8-V/a.


• Attendance at a shore-based training course designed to meet the objectives of the STCW Code B-V/a.    


A company training matrix must be available which clearly identifies the circumstances in which shiphandling training is required to be completed by a Master both at promotion and when being reassigned to a vessel having significantly different handling characteristics.


The vessel operator must provide an evaluation of the handling characteristics of vessels under management and identify where training is necessary when transferring between vessel identified as having specific handling characteristics due to size or number and type of propellers, rudders or thrusters.


Hardware 硬件


KPI 5.3.2 requires that a formal programme ensures that Senior Officers receive appropriate ship-handling training before promotion to Master or assignment to a new vessel type.


3.3.3. Had the Master, Deck Officers, and Cargo/Gas Engineer where carried, attended a shore-based simulator course covering routine and emergency cargo operations within the previous five years?


Human 人为因素

Process 程序

This question will only be generated when the vessel operator had declared through the pre-inspection questionnaire that the Master, all Deck Officers and Cargo/Gas Engineers onboard at the time of inspection had attended a shore-based cargo operations simulator course applicable to the vessel type within the previous five years.


The Inspector will review the shore-based cargo system simulator training course certificates for the Master, Deck Officers, and Cargo/Gas Engineer where carried, and will verify that:    


• The training had been completed within the previous five y ears for the Master, each Deck Officer and Cargo/Gas Engineer. The training may be a refresher training course where a full course had been undertaken previously. Where a refresher training course was undertaken, the supporting full course certificate must also be available for review.


• The training course was conducted in a simulator the type of vessel being inspected, i.e., oil, chemical, LPG or LNG.


• The training certificates indicated that the course content was at least equivalent to the appropriate IMO model course for the vessel type.


Hardware 硬件


TMSA KPI 6.4.1 requires that Officers attend shore-based simulator courses covering routine and emergency cargo operations.



3.3.4 .Had the Chief Engineer and all Engineer Officers attended a shore-based engine room management simulator course covering routine and emergency machinery operations within the previous five years?

过去五年内轮机长和所有轮机员是否参加了涵盖机器常规和紧急操作的岸基机舱管理模拟器课程 ?

Human 人为因素

Process 程序

This question will only be generated when the vessel operator has indicated that the Chief Engineer and all Engineer Officers onboard at the time of inspection had attended a shore-based engine room management simulator course within the previous five years. The course should cover routine and emergency machinery operations for the type of main propulsion onboard the vessel.


The Inspector will review the shore-based engine room management simulator training certificates for the Chief Engineer and all engineers onboard and verify that:


• The training had been completed within the previous five years for the Chief Engineer and each

Engineer Officer onboard. The training may be a refresher training course where a full course had been

undertaken previously. Where a refresher training course was undertaken, the supporting full course

certificate must also be available for review.


• The training course was conducted in a simulator representing the main propulsion type of vessel being inspected.


Hardware 硬件


TMSA KPI 3.2.2 requires that procedures are in place to provide company-specific additional training for all ranks.


3.3.5. Did all key personnel onboard involved in Dynamically Positioned (DP) operations have appropriate training in accordance with IMO and International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) guidelines and local regulations applicable to the area of operations?


Human 人为因素

Process 程序

The Inspector will review the vessel's completed DP training matrix for all staff onboard at the time of the inspection and will verify that each person had completed the required training for their role on board within the timeframe specified by the company training matrix.


The Inspector will review the DP logbook and DP Operator certificate for one randomly selected DP operator and verify that the logbook had been maintained up to date with DP experience since gaining the DP operator certificate.


Where the vessel operator required periodic refresher DP training, either by utilising the vessel's own DP equipment while not conducting actual DP operations or by attendance at a shore-based course, the Inspector will verify that the refresher training had been completed within the required timeframe.


The Inspector will review the High Voltage, DP/Power Management or DP control system training certificate for one individual and verify that the training certificate is valid, and any refresher or top-up training required to maintain validity had been completed within the required timeframe.


Hardware 硬件


TMSA KPI 3.1.3 requires that procedures are in place to identify and manage mandatory training, including refresher training, for all vessel personnel..


3.3.6. Had the Master, Officers and Ratings received the required training and familiarisation before being assigned duties related to handling LNG or other low-flashpoint fuel?


Human 人为因素

This question will only be generated when the vessel operator has indicated through the pre-inspection questionnaire that the vessel is outfitted in accordance with the IGF Code to use LNG as fuel.


Process 程序

The vessel operator must have developed a procedure to identify which Officers and ratings are required to hold a certificate for Basic and Advanced training for service on ships subject to the IGF Code.    


This information may be provided within a company mandatory training matrix.


Crew members responsible for designated safety duties associated with the care, use or emergency response to the fuel on board ships subject to the IGF Code are to hold a certificate in Basic Training

(IMO Model Course 7.13).


Masters, Engineer Officers and all personnel with immediate responsibility for the care and use of fuels and fuel systems on ships subject to the IGF Code, are to hold a certificate in Advanced Training (IMO Model Course 7.14).


A person/personnel with "immediate responsibility" is defined as "a person being in a decision-making

capacity with respect to handling of fuel addressed by the IGF Code or other fuel-related operations."

There is no requirement for the certificates to be endorsed by the vessel's Flag State or any other authority and they may be issued by training providers.


The Inspector will sight, and where necessary review, the company procedure which defines the requirement for Basic and Advanced Training for service on ships subject to the IGF Code, which may be in the form of a training matrix.


The Inspector will review:


• A Basic Training Certificate for one engine room Rating.


• Two Advanced Training Certificates sampled from the Master, Chief Engineer and Engineer Officers. On existing vessels, alternative certification as required by the Flag State.


• Ship-specific familiarisation records for the LNG or low-flashpoint fuel system.


INTERTANKO has developed the "Onboard Familiarisation Checklist: Alternative Fuels" which is available on the INTERTANKO Website.


Hardware 硬件


TMSA KPI 3.1.3 requires that procedures are in place to identify and manage mandatory training, including

refresher training, for all vessel personnel.


3.4.1.Was there an effective system in place to record and monitor the hours of rest for all personnel onboard in compliance with STCW, MLC or the regulatory requirements applicable to the vessel?


Human 人为因素

The accompanying Officer must be familiar with the company procedures defining how hours of rest are managed and recorded.


The hours of rest may be divided into a maximum of two periods, one of which shall be at least six (6) hours in length and the interval between consecutive periods of rest shall not exceed 14 hours.


Process 程序    

The Inspector will sight, and where necessary review, the company procedure that defines how hours of rest are to be managed and recorded.


He will review the hours of rest records form and verify that it is in alignment with the prescribed IMO/ILO format which clearly identifies the hours of rest conformance in any 24-hour or seven-day period.

他将审查休息时间记录表,并核实它是否符合 IMO/ILO规定的格式,该格式清楚地确定了任何24小时或7天期间的休息时间。

Physically or digitally signed hours of rest records must be available for all crew members onboard which have been approved by the Master or their authorised representative.


The Inspector will review hours of rest records and compare them against logbooks and other records for a recently completed operation and verify that the hours of rest records realistically reflect the activities conducted by the vessel and individual seafarers.


The review might include (over the previous three months):


• Bunkering operations including anchoring and the berthing of the bunker barge.


• Loading/discharging operations including inbound/outbound passages and mooring operations.


• Transit of straits or inland waterways with considerable standby requirements such as Singapore/Malacca Straits, Turkish Straits, English Channel/Dover Straits or similar.


• Post dry-dock departure and preparations to return to commercial service.


• Navigation during extended periods of restricted visibility.    


• Extensive tank cleaning operations.


• Extensive enclosed space operations.


• Periods of drills as recorded in the logbook. These should be marked correctly as working hours.


Seafarers who are on call during a normal rest period (for example, when responding to an engine-room

alarm during a period when the engine-room is unmanned), or are required to engage with unscheduled

work, have received adequate compensatory rest period.


The compensatory rest period should be added to the rest period to achieve the minimum rest hours required

before the seafarer returns to work. Duty personnel should record the time spent undertaking rounds or responding to alarms, recognising that a non-conformance because of such a response may be inevitable.


The inspector w111 also review the hours of rest record summary report provided to shore management and verify that the management had acknowledged receipt and responded with an action plan where significant non-conformities were present in the summary report.


Hardware 硬件


KPI 3A.1.3 requires that procedures ensure that working and rest hours of all personnel are in line with the STCW, applicable Flag State requirements or any relevant authority guidelines for the vessel trade and are being accurately recorded and monitored.    


3.4.2. Were the Master, Officers and crew familiar with the company policy and procedures for drug and alcohol abuse prevention and had unannounced drug and alcohol testing taken place onboard in accordance with the policy?


Human 人为因素

The accompanying Officer must be familiar with the company policy and supporting procedures for the prevention of abuse of drugs and alcohol. The accompanying Officer or responsible individual must be familiar with the use, testing and calibration of the alcohol breath testing device.


Process 程序

The Inspector will verify if the vessel operator has developed a policy and supporting procedures to prevent drug and alcohol abuse in line with established guidelines.


The Inspector will sight, and where necessary review, the company policy and supporting procedures to prevent the abuse of drugs and alcohol and he will verify that:


• Supply of alcohol is managed and documented in accordance with company expectations. Where alcohol is permitted, the ship must maintain records of alcohol issued to onboard personnel and visitors.


• The on board alcohol testing device had been calibrated and/or tested in accordance with the company procedure and manufacturer's instructions.


• Evidence is available that the persons required to use the on board alcohol testing device have received training in its use.    


Records must be available to demonstrate that unannounced alcohol testing has been completed in accordance with the company procedure and must include:


• The initial instruction from the company,


• The documented breath test values for each individual tested (including the Master),


• The message to the company confirming that the tests had been completed.


Records must be available to demonstrate that the frequency of the unannounced alcohol testing is in accordance with the company procedure. The interval between company-initiated unannounced alcohol tests should not be more than six months.


Unannounced drug screening tests must be conducted in accordance with the frequency defined by the company procedure by either onboard collection of samples for later analysis or by the attendance of an independent agency. The interval between unannounced drug screenings should not be greater than twelve months.


Where controlled collection of samples for drug screening is required as part of the company procedure,the minimum stock of sample collection kits must be maintained on board.



The vessel operator's Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Policy must be prominently displayed at appropriate locations onboard.


Where an incident had taken place, there must be records of post incident drug and alcohol tests having taken place where required in accordance with the company Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Policy.


The vessel operator will supply information relating to the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Policy and procedure through the pre-inspection questionnaire.


Hardware 硬件


KPI 3A.1.4 requires that a formal Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Policy is implemented and a system is in place to monitor it on a regular basis.


3.5.1. Has the company developed an effective familiarisation programme that covered the personal safety and professional responsibilities of all onboard personnel, including visitors and contractors, and were records available to demonstrate that the familiarisation had been completed as required?


Human 人为因素

During the course of the inspection, Officers and crew members must continuously demonstrate a proper understanding or familiarity with key equipment or systems under their responsibility. An observation under another question might be a potential ground for a negative observation under this question 3.5.1.


The accompanying Officer must be familiar with the company familiarisation procedure and/or processes.


Process 程序    

The Inspector will sight, and where necessary review, the company procedure which defines the familiarisation process for each role onboard, including visitors and contractors. Make sure they are available on board.


The Inspector will also review the familiarisation records for crew members, recently promoted individuals,

contractors and visitors, chosen at random, and verify that familiarisation was conducted as required by the company procedure.


The Inspector will further verify the records of completed familiarisation as follows:


•For all individuals


o essential initial safety training necessary prior to sailing on joining, or upon taking over new safety-related assignments onboard.


o onboard training in the use of ship's life-saving equipment, firefighting equipment and survival craft completed within the first two weeks onboard.


•For Navigation/Deck Officers


o familiarisation with the navigational equipment fitted onboard the vessel prior to taking over a navigational watch.


o familiarisation with the vessel's cargo, ballast and mooring equipment before taking over a cargo watch.


•For Engineer Officers


o familiarisation with the main propulsion, manoeuvring, cargo and ballast management and power generating equipment fitted onboard the vessel prior to undertaking scheduled duties.


•For specialist Officers


o familiarisation with the specialist equipment under their responsibility.


•For contractors


o familiarisation completed before any work was carried out onboard.


If the Company's SMS requires a familiarisation of the auditor performing sailing audits, the Inspector will

verify compliance.


Hardware 硬件


KPI 3.1.4 requires that formal familiarisation procedures are in place for vessel personnel, including contractors.


3.5.2. Were the Master, Officers and Ratings familiar with the ship's lifesaving and fire extinguishing appliances and, had ongoing onboard training and instruction taken place to maintain familiarity?


Human 人为因素

During the inspection, the interviewed Officers and Ratings must be able to demonstrate their familiarity with the use, operation and safety considerations of any piece of LSA or FFA provided onboard.    


The accompanying Officer must be familiar with the company procedure for conducting and recording ongoing training and instruction in the use of the ship's LSA & FFA.


When more than one type of LSA is available onboard (i.e., lifejackets, SCBAs, etc) it should be ensured

that operational instructions cover both types.


Process 程序

The Inspector will sight, and where necessary review, the company procedures which defines the requirements for delivering ongoing training and instruction in the use of LSA & FFA provided onboard.

The Inspector will review the list of LSA & FFA included in the onboard training and instruction.


programme and verify that all life-saving appliances, including survival craft equipment, and firefighting

appliances, including fixed firefighting installations provided onboard, are included.


The Inspector will sight a fire training manual, fire safety operational booklet and a life-saving training manual and verify that they are written in the working language of the ship and updated to include the equipment and appliances provided onboard. (The fire training manual and fire safety operational booklet may be combined.)


The fire training manual, fire safety operational booklet or life-saving manual must be provided in each crew mess room and recreation room, or in each crew cabin.


The Inspector will review the records of onboard training and instruction for the LSA & FFA and verify that

training and instructions are provided to the crew for each item of FFA & LSA listed within two weeks of joining the vessel and then at intervals not exceeding two months thereafter.



Where the vessel is provided with a davit-launched life raft, the Inspector will review the instructions for

delivering the required onboard training and instruction, paying attention to any guidance on the use of

a training life raft (which must be conspicuously marked as such), where carried.


The Inspector will review the records of onboard training and instruction and verify that training and

instruction in the use of the davit-launched life rafts, where carried, had been undertaken within the

previous four months.


Hardware 硬件


KPI 3.1.4 requires that formal familiarisation procedures are in place for vessel personnel, including



3.5.3. Had the Master and Navigation Officers been familiarised with the ECDIS equipm ent installed on board and were documented records of this familiarisation available?


Human 人为因素

The Inspector will interview the accompanying Officer to verify her/his familiarity with the onboard ECDIS installation by selecting at least two items from the onboard familiarisation checklist and requesting that they demonstrate the required actions/knowledge.


Process 程序    

The Inspector will sight, and where necessary review, the company procedures that ensures the Master and all Watch keeping Officers are competent in the use of the type of ECDIS installed onboard prior to taking charge of a navigational watch.


The procedures must include:


• Timescale for the familiarisation.


• Method of familiarisation with the ECDIS equipment.


• Location of the familiarisation, on board or ashore.


• Identity of the appropriately trained crew or training personnel authorised to deliver the familiarisation.


• Means of demonstrating competency upon completion of the familiarisation and before taking charge of a navigational watch.


• Records must be maintained.


The Inspector will verify the ECDIS installation-specific training certificates, where required by the company familiarisation process.


The Master and Deck Officer(s) must have received approved training on ECDIS and must have appropriate certificate of competency and endorsements issued to the seafarer.


The Inspector will review the onboard ECDIS installation familiarisation checklists for the Master and Deck Officers.

Hardware 硬件    


KPI 3.1.4 requires that formal familiarisation procedures are in place for vessel personnel, including contractors.



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