
CSSC (Hong Kong) Shipping issues positive profit alert for 2022

Hong Kong-based leasing firm CSSC (Hong Kong) Shipping yesterday issued a positive profit alert on the full year 2022 fiscal year. The notice, issued through the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, predicts a 24% to 26% increase on the HK$1.109bn earned in the 2021.
“Benefiting from our forward-looking layouts, flexible operation strategies and refined management, the Group seized the market opportunities effectively of the structural transformation of the energy trading and strong demand for energy transportation arising from the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the company said. 
“The transportation shipment fleet for product oil tanker and the chemicals and proprietary LNG transportation shipments of the joint ventures have largely contributed to the increase of the revenue and profits.” The forecast issued is a preliminary review based on the unaudited accounts of the company.

Source: Hong Kong Maritime Hub

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