

BIMCO launches campaign to accelerate uptake of electronic bills of lading 
BIMCO has launched the "25 by 25 pledge", a commitment by some of the world’s biggest shippers in the bulk sector to target moving 25% of their annual seaborne trade volume for at least one commodity using electronic bills of lading by 2025. The pledge is part of an ongoing effort to accelerate trade digitalisation and streamline the supply chain process in the bulk sector.    
The use of electronic bills of lading (eBLs) increases efficiency, reduces costs, and improves the overall transparency and security of trade. In contrast, paper bills of lading are inefficient, slow down trade and are vulnerable to fraud and human error. The use of paper bills therefore poses unnecessary legal and commercial risks such as relying on letters of indemnity or getting lost in transit.   
"The wider adoption of electronic bills of lading is an important step in the shipping industry’s digital transformation," said Grant Hunter, Director of Standards, Innovation and Research at BIMCO. "We are delighted that some major players in the dry bulk sector have already backed this community initiative to reach 25% usage across the entire bulk sector. These mining companies have made good headway with adopting eBLs over the past years, mainly with iron ore, but much more can be done," Hunter said.    
BIMCO标准、创新与研究部门总监Grant Hunter先生表示:“广泛运用电子提单是航运业数字化转型的重要一环。我们很高兴部分头部干散货托运人已支持这一联合倡议,即整个散货行业电子提单的使用率将达到25%。过去几年,主要在铁矿石领域,这些矿业公司在电子提单的运用方面取得了良好进展,但还可以更上一层楼。” 
Hui Ling Chan, VP, Order-to-Cash Global Business Services at BHP, one of the world's largest miners said: "Identifying and driving innovative solutions is key to the way BHP operates, and we are committed to supporting the digital transformation in the shipping industry together with our supply chain partners. We are pleased to be a signatory to the 25 by 25 pledge and hope others will join with us to support the acceleration of trade digitalisation and streamlining of the supply chain process.”   
世界上最大矿业公司之一的必和必拓公司订购现金全球商务服务副总裁Hui Ling Chan女士表示:“确定和推动创新解决方案是我们运营的关键,我们致力于与供应链合作伙伴合力支持航运业的数字化转型。我们很高兴签署25x25宣言,并希望大家与我们一起支持加快贸易数字化和优化供应链流程。” 
Laure Baratgin, Head of Commercial Operations at Rio Tinto said, “As the largest dry bulk shipper in the world, one of our ambitions has been to continuously improve the experience of doing business with Rio Tinto for our customers and supply chain through innovative end-to-end digital solutions. We fully support the 25 by 25 pledge on the use of electronic bills of lading – as a key step in enabling faster, more secure and traceable trade flows, and bringing the industry closer to a full digital trade future.” 
力拓公司商务运营负责人Laure Baratgin女士表示:“作为世界上最大的干散货托运人,我们的目标之一是通过创新的端到端数字化解决方案,不断改善力拓与客户和供应链各方的商务体验。我们全力支持关于运用电子提单的25x25宣言,这是实现更快捷、更安全和可追踪贸易流的关键一步,并使航运业更接近全面的数字贸易未来。” 
Erick Tavares, Sales Administration Manager at Vale, a leading global iron ore supplier said: “Vale takes great pride in being among the first to sign the 25 by 25 pledge. Innovation and digitalization are levers for us to reach our ambitions, and over the past decade, we have worked tirelessly to digitize our operations both internally and externally, always with a focus on enhancing the customer experience. By signing the pledge, we are reaffirming our dedication to advancing our digitalization process and inviting our customers and partners to join us on this exciting journey that benefits the entire supply chain.”   
全球领先的铁矿石供应商淡水河谷公司的销售管理经理Erick Tavares先生表示:“我们非常自豪能成为首批签署25x25宣言的公司之一。创新和数字化是实现公司宏伟目标的着力点,过去十年间,我们不懈努力实现内外运营双重数字化,始终专注于提升客户体验。通过签署宣言,我们重申了推进数字化进程的决心,并诚邀我们的客户和合作伙伴加入这段激动人心并将使整个供应链受益的旅程。” 
“At Anglo American, we are committed to supporting initiatives that help to drive innovation and efficiency in our products’ supply chains. Digitisation is a key enabler for such a drive and the use of electronic bills of lading is a natural part of this journey. We are proud to be a signatory to the 25 by 25 pledge,” said Timo Smit, Executive Head of Marketing at Anglo American.   
英美资源集团市场执行负责人Timo Smit先生说到:“在英美资源集团,我们致力于支持有助于驱动我们产品供应链创新和效率的举措。数字化是这一驱动的关键推手,而电子提单的运用是其自然进程。我们很自豪能够签署25x25宣言。” 
Owners and operators also have an important role to play in the switch to electronic bills of lading, as they are key stakeholders in this process, and BIMCO invites their support for the initiative.   
Mr Jinsong Gu, Chairman of COSCO Shipping Bulk Co. Ltd and member of BIMCO’s Board of Directors said: “We believe that BIMCO’s campaign to achieve 25% eBLs in the bulk sector by 2025 is an important step in accelerating shipping’s digital transformation. Electronic bills of lading increase efficiency, reduce costs and will reduce reliance on letters of indemnity – which is a benefit to all stakeholders.”  
“As a shipowner and operator, we are fully supportive of the 25 by 25 pledge and accelerating the shift towards electronic bills of lading,” said Julius Posset, Head of Operations-Claims Department at Oldendorff Carriers. “We will be encouraging our counterparts to adopt eBLs and join the pledge as it will ultimately benefit everyone in the supply chain.”   
奥登道夫公司经营与理赔部门负责人Julius Posset 先生提到:“作为船东和船舶经营人,我们全力支持25x25宣言并向电子提单转型。我们将鼓励我们的对家使用电子提单并加入该宣言,因为最终供应链中的各方都将从中获益。” 
Christos Anagnostou, Star Bulk’s Operations & Insurance Director, says “Star Bulk is very supportive of this BIMCO initiative to promote eBLs which is also in line with our company’s focus on digital transformation.” 
星散航运公司经营和保险部门总监Christos Anagnostou先生表示:“我们非常支持BIMCO推广电子提单的倡议,这也符合我们公司对数字化转型的关注。” 
BIMCO is a founding member of the FIT Alliance, a partnership between BIMCO, DCSA, ICC, SWIFT and FIATA. The Alliance collaborates on the development and adoption of relevant standards to facilitate the use of electronic bills of lading.   
BIMCO是未来国际贸易联盟(FIT)的创始成员,它由BIMCO、数字化集装箱航运协会 (DCSA)、国际商会 (ICC)、环球银行金融电信协会 (SWIFT)以及国际货运代理协会联合会 (FIATA)联合成立。FIT在制定和采纳电子提单运用的相关标准方面开展合作。 

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