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Yongjia port added to port of departure

Yongjia port, a modern container terminal in the Free Trade Zone of Zhangjiagang city, Jiangsu province, has been named one of the nation's 13 ports of departure ,local media reported.
Yongjia port has made efforts to promote shipping routes in recent years.
A "Zhangjiagang-Taichang-Incheon" container shipping line opened in 2017 and has developed into an important hub connecting Zhangjiagang, Taichang, in Jiangsu province and Incheon, the second largest port city in South Korea. The international line is also the first shipping line to South Korea to open in East China in the last five years.
Yongjia port, added to a port of departure, can improve shipping for export enterprises in southern Jiangsu province and further help promote Zhangjiagang’s export trade.

Sources: Chinadaily

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