
Ranking of China's main shipping companies fleet scale

Ranking of China's main shipping companies fleet scale
The public display of information on shipping capacity ranking of shipping enterprises in 2017
Since 1998, the ministry of transport has regularly carried out the writing of China shipping development report (the white paper ), comprehensively, objectively and truly reflect the development of China's shipping condition.In order to better publicize the development of China's shipping enterprises, the 2017 China shipping development report will continue to release the general situation of shipping capacity of major shipping enterprises in China in 2017.According to the summary of the questionnaire survey in the early stage, the shipping capacity of shipping enterprises in China is shown publicly, and the time of publication is from May 14th to May 20th, 2018.

If there is any objection to the public information provided by the port and shipping management department, shipping enterprises and relevant units, please give written feedback to the Shanghai shipping exchange within the public notice period. No acceptance overdue.

Contact: Shanghai shipping exchange Wang Ye, Wang haihong.
Telephone: 021-65037942 021-2028038-2326/2388.
Fax: (021) 65623326
Email: wangy@sse.net.cn.com;wanghh@sse.net.cn

1. the size of the fleet operated by China's major shipping enterprises in 2017
2. the scale of international shipping fleet operated by China's major shipping enterprises in 2017
3.the scale of the domestic coastal fleet operated by China's major shipping enterprises in 2017
4.the size of container fleet operated by China's main shipping enterprises in 2017


Sources: Shanghai shipping exchange

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